Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Blogging a Christmas List?

I imagine it's quite tacky to blog a Christmas list, but I've been having many requests as to what Leeann wants/needs for Christmas. So please, take this list as no obligation to give something to her, but only as a guide if she is already someone on your list...

*Contributions to her 529 college fund (really, please always consider this an option when purchasing gifts for her. Even $5 will help tremendously when saved over time. Wrap it up with a color book or some other little trinket if you are wanting to make sure she has something to open from you! Just having finished college ourselves Rob and I recognize how valueable this is & will become to her later in life--and it's tax deductible!)

*Another gift that's always worth giving is swim lessons, music lessons or gymnastics. Or as she gets older, sports registration/gear, or money towards camp and other youth events.

* 3T Footie pajamas.
*3T Winter clothes. Especially jeans and sweaters.
*A CD player for her bedroom.
*Veggie Tales DVD.
*Plastic Food.
*Fischer Price Little People.
*A bike.

DISCLAIMER: This really, truly is not meant to be tacky or beggarly (is that even a word?) I assure you Leeann is not doing without, nor will she starve or die of boredom anytime soon! We also recognize that Christmas can be a rather stressful time of year both mentally and on the pocket book... we both come from big families! Please feel no obligation to get anything for our kids, and if you do want to get something, feel free to keep it small and simple! I'm still amazed by how grateful a two-year old is over a box of color crayons!

As for Baby Buhl, let's be honest... he'll be 3 weeks old and really doesn't need anything! Feel free to give him a big hug and a kiss for Christmas! We've been so incredibly blessed with so much stuff for him through baby showers and such, feel free to cross him off your list this year :0)

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