Saturday, November 12, 2005

Baby Name Game Hint #4

Hint #4: For all you Veggie Tale Fans--He has never been played by a Veggie Tales character (at least I'm pretty sure of this).

And just in case you were wondering... someone actually took us up on the Name Game Challenge! I won't tell you who, and I won't tell you where--but we've had our first contribution to the Baby Buhl College fund come in! And what a blessing it was! Don't get too excited though, it wasn't the $5,000 guess, because if it were than the aforementioned clues could become out-dated. We'll be sure to let you know if that happens :0)


Krista said...

Uh-oh - does this mean my guess of Azariah (AKA Abednego or "Benny") is out or does that not technically count as Veggie Tales? Don't worry, I don't expect a response since I'm not a paying guesser! :)

Robyn said...

I'm gonna say it counts as a Veggie Tales character... sorry!