Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Busy, Busy, Busy

Can you believe that this is the first time since Friday that I've actually been able to sit down at my computer long enough to blog? It's been an incredibly busy week!

I spent part of the weekend in St. Helens where my family gathered for lunch in support of my Grandma following my Grandpa's death. It's always good to be with family and to be surrounded by so many people that you know love each other and are committed to each other through thick and thin. That's what family is all about. I'll post pictures once I actually get the chance to sit down long enough to upload them and attach them etc.

Sunday was just plain busy, it always is. I left at 8:30 and didn't get home until almost 10:00 that night.

Monday was just as busy as I had 5 kids all day. Yup, 5 kids. That's just too many! Since there was no school the kids I babysit for were at my house all day. Let's just say it was the toughest day I had with them over the past year. By the time there mom came I was just plain wiped out. Rob and I debriefed about our hectic days over dinner then I fell into bed for a nap. It didn't last too long though, Titus got hungry. So Rob and I spent the next several hours enjoying each others company over ice cream and a new game called Bohnanza (thanks for the recommendation Steve and Heather!) It was fun, we played it again this evening.

Today was just as crazy it seems, although Tuesday's are supposed to be my day to relax. But, because I've been so busy it ended up turning into my day to get stuff done. I worked all morning on some stuff for a big important meeting we have coming up at church this weekend. Then I fed the kids, fed myself and got us all ready for Titus's 6 week check up. It was at 2:30 right? Nope, 2:00... whoops, I forgot? I really thought it was 2:30. At 2:15 I hurriedly told Leeann to go potty before we left (she's in pull-ups now). She said eww, but I wasn't paying attention. I was in the bathroom with her doing my hair and I smelled something funny. Leeann being the sweet obedient girl that she was trying to take off her pants and her pull-ups and had sat on her little potty. You guessed it, poop everywhere! On her feet, her legs, the chair, a towel she had stepped on. I wanted so badly to cry but I just had to laugh. So I spent the next 15 minutes cleaning her up and everything around her. I finally finished that, buckled Titus in, gathered the diaper bag, a burpee. Found my phone which I had lost, tracked down my keys, put my jacket on and grabbed my purse. I looked at the clock-- 2:30. Then all of the sudden I though, "oh no, was it at 2:00"? So I looked on my fridge and confirmed that it was at 2:00. Could my day get any crazier? I called to reschedule and she told me just to go ahead and come on in...


10 lbs 5 oz (average)
15 1/4 inch head size (average)
21 3/4 inches long (in the bottom 10%... he is his parents child!)

He got 3 seperate shots and cried and cried and cried. Then Leeann fell in the doctors office and joined in. Neither could be consoled. I thought I was going crazy. We came home a bit after 4 and I slumped onto the couch exhausted once more. My house is crazy, my life is busy and my mind is everywhere. It actually helps to blog. I feel like I'm venting, although I have no idea to whom! Rob graciously made dinner and even watched the kids for a couple of hours while I hit Toy's R Us. They're closing and having some big sales... I bought a few things. I can't wait til they're really big sales! Although by that time there isn't much worth buying usually. We'll see though.

And now I'm going to go spend the last few minutes of Rob being gone (he's at a b-ball game of one of the high school boys) to try to make some sense of my house. Or at least to do enough that I feel like I accomplished something today!


Anonymous said...

One word of advice from mother of 4~Don't ever ask or even think "Can it get any crazier than this?"

More than likely God will show you that it can!!

Love you~

Anonymous said...

Another perception - You birth 4 and add another 4. They get married. Sigh --- Then comes the best part (after turning their bedrooms into something really cool - sewing rooms or 2) The couples all begin to multiply. This Granma and Granpa get more and more blessed. I always wonder - do I have enough love to give to my husband, kids, and grandkids. The anwser if YES. What a fantastic life. Each baby finds his or her own spot in our hearts. I sincerely believe for me, it's what keeps me going everday. You've not seen my desk, but there are round 50 pictures of the family. When I have a feeling down moment, a trip through the pictures and blogs reminds me that there are many loves in my life. I can't say enough good things about the good mommies and daddys that I love so much and take such loving care of my babies that God has given them.

Ok so it's mushy - but then I'm a granma so what do you expect. I can say anything I want and call it the "senior moment"

Love you all - Granma Rosenthal

Beckys blog said...

Hey Robin! I just found your blog. Isn't this a great way to keep family and friends up to date on what's going on in life!

Becky Charlick

Anonymous said...

You are venting to a crowd that gives no sympathy unless you have 4 kids of your own all under 5 years old.

The greates moments in cooking occurred when GPB had kids and kitchen all to himself.


Anonymous said...

Just a thought on "it can't get crazier than this"

Why don't one of you(Rob/Robyn) decide you want four kids and one of you say "no way" then compromise and say "ok we can have 3 but no more".

Under that scenerio we might get twin boys. We need that to balance out the universe.