Wednesday, January 11, 2006

A Blog Far More Meaningful Than Mine

Rob and I got hooked up with an adoption lawyer through our adoption agency about a year ago. Well, at some point I was trying to get ahold of him for some reason and I couldn't find his number so I looked him up on the web. On his website I found a link to a page called Rebekah's Page:

As I read it I burst into tears, finding it impossible to imagine what they must be going through. His now four year old daughter has a form of childhood cancer and her site gives daily updates as to her condition. They are faithful in posting most everyday and it just takes a minute or two to read. If you have time I encourage you to follow her story... it will most certainly put life into a proper perspective!

1 comment:

Rebekah Christine said...

Thank you Robyn for the special place on your blog. What Robyn is not telling you is what a special place she and her family hold in our hearts. Rob and Roby graciously allowed my family to come and meet them one day last fall. It was indeed a very special day to us!

What a wonderful mother Robyn is and what a wonderful family they are!!

Rebekah's Daddy and Adoption Lawyer