Saturday, December 12, 2009

From Rob's Camera

Here are some pictures from Rob's camera that I just downloaded tonight. I think they were taken over several of the days so you'll have to use your imagination to figure out where they fit in the Disney time-line.

Our nephew's Weston and Logan. You'll see that Weston's holding a map. This kid has some awesome map-reading skills! Seriously, he was our navigator and always had his map out, knowing exactly where we were at all times.

This is our other nephew, Landon, with a little toy helicopter that Rob decided to buy for him.

This was a little play area near an out-door eating area.

The kids loved banging on things. We more or less have a ban on toys that make noise in our house :0)

Logan and I on the chew-chew train. The Buhl family was all dressed in black and orange to support the Beaver's. Unfortunately, our support wasn't enough to get them to the Rose Bowl.

All of the kids seriously loved the bumper cars. This is a good shot of Weston about to run into Uncle Rob.

Do kids come any cuter than this? Seriously?

I think this was the day we left the park at midnight.

Still, we had to stop and see Mickey. He's legendary!

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