Sunday, March 26, 2006

Daddy's Little Girl

I think every little girl ought to be a "daddy's girl". Maybe I think that because I was a daddy's girl too. Leeann loves her daddy. She very obviously adores him, and he adores her more than I ever could have imagined. Rob just took her out in the yard and they picked me some fresh daffodils to adorn my kitchen table! There's just something about pretty flowers that brighten my day! Now they are on a walk, which they also love to do together. Leeann started loving to be 'working' in the yard with daddy because she would get strawberries for her payment. Now our strawberries belong to somebody else though *tear*. We'll have to get some more. We loved to pick strawberries and put them on top of our homemade ice cream all smothered with chocolate syrup. I'm drooling just thinking about it!

Titus seems to get bigger and bigger everyday. He'll be four months old soon, that's hard to imagine! It really seems like just yesterday that I was anxiously awaiting his arrival. He likes to play in his excer-saucer and he smiles ALL THE TIME! I think he's going to be an optomistic little guy. His eyes are still blue, but they still have a fleck of brown in them so I'm curious if they will change color just yet. We'll see. He still drools and spits up a lot, that's to be expected!

I'm beginning to start working on Vacation Bible School for this year. I'm excited about it, but I know I'm going to have to be diligent with the time that I have to make sure that I'm getting everything done that needs to be done. I have my hands in several pots right now--it just always seems to happen that way. Truthfully though, I enjoy being busy. As I write all of this I feel like I'm repeating myself. Something tells me that if I look back at my last couple of posts, much of this might be in there. Oh well. I guess I don't have much to write about! And with that... I'm out...

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