Monday, February 26, 2007

Boot Camp

Suzy and the kids and I just got done with Boot Camp--Ab Boot Camp! Ouch! I've done a little pilates this week too. This for me, is truly a feat... exercise has never come easily to me and frankly, I just find it hard to get motivated.

I've come to the realization though that post-C-Section especially I need to strengthen my abs before I fall apart! And, if I repeatedly gain as much weight in a year as I did this year, it won't be too long before I'll need to take far more drastic measures than some time with Billy Blanks! Exercise is good for me, and it makes me feel good and it makes me look good. So why do I find it so hard? Isn't that the crazy thing about life...


Rebecca.Alburn said...

AMEN. I feel the same way about exercising but surprisingly enjoy it when I finally make it happen... sometimes it takes weeks of pep talks to get out there and do it!

Megan said...

I TOTALLY understand. And here's my other problem... ever since I got my iPod I find it extremely difficult to work out without it. One time, I got to the gym and realized I'd left my headphones behind, and I actually WENT BACK HOME to retrieve them, and then came back and worked out. The people at the front desk gave me really weird looks, but I didn't care, I needed my music!!!

Jennifer said...

Good for you! Did you know exercise creates the same endorphins as eating chocolate? But then, eating the chocolate is much easier....sigh. That is my problem, always taking the easy road. I was going to suggest you and I go for morning walks to try to get some free exercise in, but it just keeps raining!! Maybe when it is sunny?