Tuesday, March 06, 2007

25 and Other Such Things

It's typically seeing pictures on my computer that make me think to post. Our internet is currently upstairs on Suzy's computer and our pictures are on my computer (with no internet and no way to blog them currently). That's one of the reasons I've had a lack in postings recently.

So, here's the short of what you've missed in Robyn's Nest in the last couple of weeks.

I turned 25 and went home for my Birthday, which I shared with my 2 year-old sister. Secretly, I wanted Hope's Aqua Doodle... but I let her keep it. I thought it was the mature thing to do!

I cut my hair. Actually, I chopped it. And I bought some semi-expensive make-up. Then I realized that my big ole eyebrows didn't match my new look so I got them waxed. To take it one step furthur I even painted my toe nails. Now I just need to loose a few pounds. I'm on a quest for femininity. It's never come naturally to me... but it feels good to be girly, so I'm going to give it a try!

Rob and I went on a staff retreat with the other staff members at the church and their wives. It was lot's of fun! We went to Newport overnight. I like our staff... and their wives. I also liked having a place I could escape to will my hubby since our kids have been in our room for a couple of months. When we got back we decided to put Leeann upstairs with the boys and Titus's pack-n-play fits perfectly in a little nook in our closet. Before you freak out about our kid being in our closet, you have to see our closet. It's huge. It's big enough for all of mine, Rob's, Leeann and Titus's clothes as well as his pack-n-play with a little room left over. People in other countries share a house this size (okay I'm exagerating a little, but he's not being neglected by any means!)

Anyway, so that's been good because the last couple of nights Rob and I have been able to debrief before bed in a place away from everyone else... which is something we've been acustomed to doing but have felt somewhat lacking in lately. So, I hope this new arrangement works out well!

In other news: Titus has mastered the stairs. He looks so cute sliding down them on his stomach! He's also asserting his opinion stronger than ever, but I still think he'll be a somewhat mild-mannered little guy. He seems to maybe even be growing a bit too. Maybe I'm just hopeful though!

Leeann is sweet as ever and beautiful as can be. We're very blessed by having such wonderful children. She's woken up dry three nights in a row now. It goes against everything I stand for to bribe her with candy, but she's been getting some after breakfast each morning she wakes up dry. Could this be our last batch of pull-ups? Yippie!

Well, I should go now. Yup...


Rebecca.Alburn said...

Can't wait too see a photo of your new look! Happy belated b-day!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday and congrats on the potty training progress. Don't feel too guilty about the candy.
We love our pack n play. My most recent use for it has been as a time-out place for Todd!