Sunday, February 18, 2007

So, what did I learn?

Aunt Barb wanted to know what I learned at Vortex, what I will take home with me and what I learned about God through this experience, and I feel like this is the first chance I've had to do much more than breathe since I got back... so I'll do my best to answer your questions Aunt Barb!

I think the biggest thing that I learned is that I need other people, specifically other Children's Ministry Directors/Pastors, in my life in order to do my job the best that I can. There's nobody else that can truly understand the ups and downs, the joys and the struggles etc., like someone who is walking in the same shoes. I was the only part-timer so I now have the brains of 16+ other people who are ahead of me (some of them far ahead of me in numbers of kids, and experience in ministry) that I can pick, learn from, bounce ideas off of, interact with. And, because of the way Vortex was structured with so few attendees... we now all have a vested interested in each others lives and ministries.

That kind of answers all of the questions, because what I will take home with me is the ability to interact with this group of people about ministry ideas, thoughts and struggles. I will also take home some small tangible, practical ideas about signs, checking kids in, classroom decor, training and such. I also talked with several people about transitioning ministries and changing things effectively. Really, I'll take away lot's of good stuff, but I won't bore you with the details.

And what did I learn about God? He created us to need other people. We weren't meant to be able to do everything and to be everything to everyone all on our own. He's gifted us to serve him in specific ways, and we're meant to work with others who compliment our strengths and weaknesses to accomplish work for Him. It's a humble reality. I happen to like how God works though :0)

Thanks Aunt Barb for the great questions!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good Morning!! And thanks for great answers. Are most of the people you met scattered over the southwest area? Will you have face to face contact once in awhile or be emailing and talking on the phone? Which ever way, you still have wonderful resources in other people!! Have a great week, my day has begun, I hope you are still sleeping! B