Friday, December 02, 2005

Birth Day

I decided that I'm not going to post a Baby Name Hint today. I was going to give you one that would give it away, but I would just as soon let you wait for a few more precious hours!

I slept through the night last night, which was very nice. I'm nearly all packed up and ready to go. I'm quite nervous, the thought of surgery makes me very queasy. Any major medical procedure is nerve-racking, especially one that involves this precious little life that I've been carrying for the last 9 months. I'm so anxious to meet him, it's hard to believe that after all these days of wondering and waiting, today is finally the day!

It's a little crazy because just a month or two ago I wouldn't have imagined that this (c-section) is the way in which I would bring my little boy into the world. You don't hear of stories where people go in for a planned c-section, it's usually done in an emergency after hours of ruthless labor. Baby Buhl however is still sitting perfectly breech and doesn't seem to want to come out any other way. So here I am leisurely preparing for the day of my baby's birth.

With that being said, I really have to go, we leave in 1/2 hour! Please pray with us for the safe and healthy arrival of our baby boy. Pray for my health, safety and nerves also, and for wisdom for the doctors. Pray for Leeann's transition into sisterhood and for general sanity for us all. Thank you for your love and prayers and we promise to blog Baby Buhl's birth announcement as soon as we can!

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