Monday, December 05, 2005

Ah, Ignorance...

I'm sure I'm not the only one to ever ask the question, "What on earth were they thinking letting us take him home from the hospital?" I mean, don't get me wrong, Rob and I are reasonably intelligent, well-educated, somewhat mature people... but that doesn't' seem to matter in the least when you are dealing with a 7 pound bundle of joy which doesn't come with an instruction book of any sort. People talk about motherly instinct and reassure us that he's not easily breakable and all, but it's scary being responsible for such an amazing little miracle! In all, we're doing well, we're getting things figured out! He's such an amazing little blessing from God :o)

Rob is home from work today and his mom is here also. I was just delivered a yummy PB&J with a side of Pringles, a tall glass of ice water and some medicine for the pain... all prepared with love from my wonderful husband who takes great care of me. I could get used to being waited on! I'm going to go eat it now and then continue to bask in my ingorance.


Anonymous said...

Sometimes the more you know, the more you know what you don't know. When Rob was born I thought I knew all I needed to know. But really, I just didn't know what I didn't know, but now I do know. What I do now know is that what I didn't know didn't matter. Just love the kid, if he cries feed him, change him, rock him or give him to grandma!!

Now y'all know.


Anonymous said...

I think that reindeer came back and ran over Grandpa..

Anonymous said...

Enjoy being spoiled for a while because soon the real work begins ;-)

P.S. I'll be there friday to spoil you for a favorite thing to do!

Love ya, SaraJane