Monday, March 08, 2010

I Should Have Listened

Me: Titus, you need to clean your stuff up from the table.

Titus: Mommy, I can't or I'm going to throw up on everything.

Me: Titus, that's the most ridiculous excuse I've ever heard.

*As I was speaking the last of those words, large doses of vomit hit our living room floor (which is laminate luckily).*

Hmmm, maybe I should have listened? I did immediately apologize and then Leeann and I got to work at cleaning the floor, washing clothes and bathing Titus. Rob mysteriously disappeared!
After his bath, I asked him to sit on these cute brown leather cubes we have that the kids put their shoes in.
He was doing fine at first.
Then he got sleepy.
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So pushed them together and I laid him down and realized it was actually a perfect spot. Soft and cozy, yet easy to clean!

Throughout this whole episode I was reminded again of how wonderfully helpful and compassionate Leeann is. She doesn't shy away from sickness and yuck, she flocks too it. Almost like she just can't help it. She just wants to help.

After she helped (which she truly, truly is very helpful!) she grabbed her blanket and pillow and laid down on the bottom step, just a few feet from Titus. She wanted to be near him so she could take care of him.

Rob commented that he's sure she'll go into the medical field (which we'd both put money on at this stage). I asked Leeann, "Would you like to go into the medical field?"

"Yes, I would. I'll come visit you. Or maybe you could come visit me lots. Mommy, where's the medical field?"

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