Friday, May 04, 2007

Flying by...

Life seems to fly by so incredibly fast these days! Not only is life flying by but I'm also entering a quite stressful stage at work, making things all that much crazier! This has been a tough week for me, as I'm learning some of the more difficult sides of ministry. I know God wants to teach us lessons about life, and we're usually better off when we go through them, but knowing that doesn't really make it an easier to go through them though!

One well known Children's Pastor describes the first year of ministry as the "honeymoon stage". You know, where you're ambitious, energetic and you are ready to take on the world! The second year of ministry is described as "Tears of loneliness (why doesn't anyone like me)?" That's the stage where you start to make some changes and we all know how people like change :0) Well, I must be an over-achiever because it hasn't even a full year yet, but I am defiantely entering the latter stage. The good news is: it eventually gets better!

Really, I'm holding up pretty well all things considered but this has been a far less-than-ideal week of ministry. God is good though, and I can already see good coming from not-so-good situations. I definately am learning a great deal and being stretched, and in the end it's a good thing. Perserverance is my word for the week!

In other news: Titus bit me so hard it drew blood today! I was trying to feel a molar that's coming in (his first!) and he must have decided that my finger tasted good or something. He's got an amazing grip for such little teeth!

Leeann is girlie as ever these days. Every day she asks if she can wear a princess dress, and she asks for some blush and chap stick as I do my make-up in the mornings. She still asks if she can marry daddy. It's wierd to see someone else love and adore my husband as much as I do :0)

That's pretty much what's going on on the home front. Suzy's working tonight and Rob's at a meeting for most of the evening so I'm just watching all four kiddos. Truthfully, they're in the living room watching Lord of the Beans and eating pop-corn. I know, this is why I get paid the big-bucks!

It is nearing the end though, and I've got some little ones I need to wrangle up to get to bed! It will actually be nice to have a little time to myself this evening. I rented a chick flick and I'm going to eat a really big bowl of ice cream, because that's the kind of week I've had! Yup, that's about how good I'm doing on this healthier food kick :0)... just in case you were wondering!

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