Wednesday, May 02, 2007

17 Months

Titus is 17 months old now, and more handsome and sweeter than ever before!

He's running around holding his own with the bigger kids, and his babbles are turning into clearer and clearer words everyday. He's signing many words also, clearly communicating that he knows what he wants. He's also starting to give lot's of hugs and kisses, which I'm obviously not complaining about! Yesterday he was even grabbing my face with both hands to pull me into a kiss. *smile*

He's still fearless and needs to be watched like a hawk on our bed because he'll walk right off of it without thinking twice! His encounters with the toilets have subsided a bit, though we're trying harder to keep them inaccessible.

He still make a huge mess when he eats, but he's a pretty good eater. He's got a smile that melts my heart on a regular basis--showing off all 8 of his teeth!

He says mama and dada, uh-oh, all done, and he copies the sound for aunt Suzy. He's copying lot's of sounds and using them somewhat in context, but it's still hard to understand him.

He's fallen in love with Curious George and he's more attached than ever to his blanket and his binki. It's obvious that we missed the opportune time to wean him from those.

He's starting to get mad when daddy leaves and it's quite cute. I love to see those two bond more and more each day!

He signs more, all done, please, thank you, milk and water pretty regularly now... and he's quite proud of himself when he does it too! What can I say, other than he's by far one of God's most precious creations--and I don't think it's just because I'm his mommy!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

He really is a cutie, I was amazed at how well he was able to communicate what he wanted at Erocia's baby shower. I can't wait unitl Elisha and Titus can run around together!