Sunday, May 20, 2007

The Duck Park

A couple of weeks ago Rob decided that the ducks were hungry so we went and bought some bread and set out to give them some dinner. I think most of them had already ate, because they didn't seem too interested in what the kids had to offer...
Or maybe they didn't see Weston in his cool shades...
Maybe they thought Leeann was silly because her shirt was on backwards?
Titus just ate grass!
Or, maybe they were more concerned about their well-being than about getting dinner. Hmmm, I wonder why?


My name is Breanna... said...

They all are getting so old. Weston looks so much like Suzy! Beautiful kids!

Megan said...

So I couldn't help but notice in all these pictures, Titus had no binkie:-) Are you making progress in that area? I felt so bad after reading those two blogs...poor angry little Titus, and poor Mommy!