Thursday, April 19, 2007

This isn't so easy...

I've never really gone on a 'diet' before. Not like this anyway... you know, one that actually changes the way I eat :0)

It's been 9 days, though it feels like 3 years! This whole being considerate of what you eat thing is kinda tough! And... not real tasty either!

Okay, really, it hasn't been all that bad all things considered. I've lost 1.5 lbs. I feel like the other 8.5 could take another 10 years to melt off, but such is life. I am finding that just making simple healthier choices is making a difference. And, not going back for seconds. I haven't given up my ice cream but I have found healthier alternatives that actually taste quite good (yay for Breyer's light mocha silk!) Somehow though, I wish I could just wish 10 pounds away by just thinking healthy thoughts. They tell me that's not how it works though...


Shelly said...

Way to go Robyn!!!

Rebecca.Alburn said...

Keep it up! You're doing grrrrrreat!