Saturday, April 14, 2007

Always and Never

Leeann is closing in on 4 years of age (in July). Being the age of 3 brings many delightful changes and challenges, joys and sorrows. One of those things is an ever-expanding vocabulary and a nack for new understandings. The most recent of which, is a constant use of "always" and "never".

I always take a bath with the purple ball.

I never be naughty.

I always go the park (or the store, or to a friends).

I find myself "arguing" with her over the use of these words, because I can't figure out how to explain to her using any other words what exactly always and never mean. Don't worry, the arguing doesn't last long because I recognize how silly it is and that she'll eventually figure it out.

The funny things that kids do, and the funny ways that parents respond...

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