Friday, January 26, 2007

A Trip to Urgent Care

Last night ended in a trip to urgent care for Rob and Titus and me. Though he had stopped throwing up at 5:30 yesterday morning, he started back up at 5:30 last night. His tongue also appeared to be bleeding, which is what prompted us to go to Urgent Care. 3 hours later they ruled out strep throat, and the Doctor hadn't seen the blood that we were seeing, but he did say the back of his throat was really red and swollen. He also had a little bit of a fever. Essentially, he told us it's just a virus and to keep doing what we were doing, but to give him some tyleonal and motrin too.

In the meantime, it's been a day and a half and Titus more or less hasn't even asked to get down and play. He just sleeps, or snuggles in someones arms. He keeps signing "more" but we're trying to just stick with water and pedialyte right now. He doesn't cry much because his energy is more or less zapped. I have enjoyed all of the snuggles, but it's so hard to see my little man in pain. Even with Leeann it was a little bit better because she can tell me where it hurts or what she precieves will make it better.

So, that's what's going on in our neck of the woods these days. We're just hanging out, doing little hoping the other kids don't get sick too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kajsa was the same way when she got sick and was throwing up, along with a fever and diahrea. At the time she NEVER would sit in our laps, and was always on the move. While she was sick, she would ONLY sit in our laps and snuggle quietly, expressionless. The hardest part with her was getting her to drink liquids, which she refused to do. We ended up with a trip to urgent care, and it was late enough they sent us over to the hospital for overnight care (luckily they just charged us for a urgent care visit). She was dehydrated and they wanted to put an IV in her. They took forever (several hours) before they got to putting the IV in, and by then she must have started feeling better because we were able to get her to drink a couple full cups of Gatorade, which she wouldn't do a few hours earlier. They ended up having trouble finding a vein through the baby fat and after two attempted pokes, said forget it, if she's taking fluids and keeping them down, lets just hydrate her the normal way, through her mouth, and by morning the doctor said she looked fine and we went home. I guess the moral of the story is watch and record liquid intake closely. Check for dried lips. And enjoy the snuggles while they last.