Sunday, January 14, 2007

Our Family Christmas

The four of us celebrated Christmas together on December 30th this year. Since we typically spend Christmas with Rob's family, we don't get the joy of waking up on Christmas morning and watching the kids run downstairs in their jammies to see what's under the Christmas tree. In the past, it hasn't been a big deal because neither of the kids were old enough to know the difference, but with Leeann getting older we decided that we would compromise and have Christmas at our house on another day. So we did! It was also nice that we didn't have to pack our family presents up there and back. Anyway, thanks to some Christmas money sent from Rob's Grandparents... we were able to splurge a little and get Leeann an extra-special over-budget gift this year! It was so exciting to see her joy on Christmas morning!

This is Leeann taking a picture of mommy with her new 'camera' that she found in her stocking on 'Christmas Morning'.

And the highlight of Christmas is Leeann's new doll house! She was so excited to recieve it, and we were very excited to give it! It was far harder to wait to give this gift to her than it was to wait to get my own gifts. It's funny how you get to re-live the magic of Christmas once your own children get old enough to enjoy it!

Titus also really liked Leeann's doll house. He tried to play nicely, and she tried to share... but he just kept making a mess and it would frustrate Leeann. So eventually we told him he couldn't play with it anymore and this is what he thought of that...

I got a beautiful ring... it was perfect! Rob did an incredible job of picking out such a perfect gift!

All-in-all, Christmas was wonderfull! We put a candle in our cinnamon rolls for breakfast and sang happy birthday to Jesus, and read Leeann the Christmas story out of her new Bible. I'd say... it was my best Christmas ever!
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1 comment:

Krista said...

Mikayla and Lily got that same dollhouse for Christmas! So cute. :)