Sunday, January 14, 2007

Happy Birthday!!!

My nephew's Weston and Logan celebrated their Birthday at our house on Friday. Rob's older sister, Shelly and her family were coming down for the day so we decided to celebrate his younger sisters boys' Birthdays. The night before the 'party' I was looking on-line trying to find some cake ideas and Weston kept coming back to "the Thomas cake". The only problem is that I didn't have a pan and because it was the next day I couldn't exactly order one on-line. So, I printed out a coloring picture of Thomas and essentially traced around it and improvised to get the Thomas cake seen pictured below. It was priceless to see the boys so excited about the cake, it makes all of the effort so very worth it! And it tastes good too!

And of course, it was great to see family, as always! Weston (the older one) was born just a month after our wedding, it's hard to believe that he's already 5! (Okay, he's 5 tomorrow...) It seems like just yesterday Logan was born too. I know I've said it before, but they grow up way too fast!

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Rebecca.Alburn said...

Can I just say...


You are the cake queen. I don't know how you do it. I tried to teach a cake decorating unit in my cooking class last year and it was not all I had hoped it would be. I suppose part of it had to do with the class being a majority of 8th grade boys? :)

Anonymous said...

Robyn once again you did a great job! Without having to buy special pans there are no limits to what you can create. Start saving pictures now for a portfoilo. You will look back on them and remember each birhtday, the excited faces and you will forget how much you put into the cake and be ready to do it all over again!
Love, aunt pam

My name is Breanna... said...

Hi Robyn, CUTE Cakes! Tell Suz that I said Happy Birthday to her boys, and tell her to call me or email me when she is bored, I would love to talk with her, but I don't have her cell number
Have a good day