Sunday, January 21, 2007

Shocked... Surprised... Excited...

Overwhelmed... Incredibly Thankful... Inspired... Emotional... Humbled... Ecstatic... Awestruck... Encouraged... Thrilled... Grateful... Appreciative...

These are just a few of the words that come to mind that describe my emotions last night. I was making dinner and Rob called me into the bedroom. He called me with the "Uh, Robyn, we need to talk" voice. I thought I was in trouble!

He had just gotten the mail and first he handed me a check. Some very special people called me this week to let me know that they wanted to help me with my trip to California, and we got the check in the mail yesterday. It's such a huge blessing! God seems to provide for us at the perfect times, in perfect ways, through the perfect people. He's so faithful!

As if that wasn't enough Rob handed me another card (now that I think of it they were both opened, which means he was opening my mail... I don't know how I feel about that... isn't that a criminal offense?) Along with a very sweet note was some cash, also for our trip.

I bawled like a baby. I'm truly overwhelmed by God's provision through special people. At several points today I've been thinking about how to pay them back, or how to "pay God back". I think my ah-ha moment was when I realized it's not my job to pay it back, but to pay it forward! I am amazed that people would sacrifice and give such generous gifts for me to have this opportunity. I would almost say... I feel like a princess!

Yesterday morning I wasn't quite sure how we were going to pay for our trip just two short weeks away. Somehow I haven't been too worried though. Now I know why. The sum total of the mail man's deliveries was $400! That's pretty much the perfect amount to get us down and back if my calculations are remotely accurate. I was thinking we might be able to do it with $3oo if we ate Taco Bell the whole way. I'm grateful that it doesn't appear as if that's all we'll have to eat on our trip now :0)

*Note to special people: You may never truly know how much this means to me, because words can't get anywhere close to describing how thankful I am! I promise to pay it forward someday, and hopefully your generosity will keep on giving and giving and giving for years to come!

1 comment:

rob said...

for the record...oh accuser of federal crimes....the envelopes were addressed to me too....though for sure they were directed to you. I'm fine with really...