Thursday, April 27, 2006


The Health Department called today to confirm that everyone they had 'samples' from tested positive for norovirus (which includes my two little ones!) The last count I heard was 16 so cancelling services seems to have been a wise thing to do. We even made the news in Portland and Eugene which is not exactly what you want to make the news for! They also said it's basically a fancy term for the 24 hour stomach flu. It's a good thing Titus didn't get really sick because of it, because the really young and really old seem to be the most affected by it. He was fine before we even knew what hit us though. Anyway, we're all well and our home and church are both very disinfected now!


Anonymous said...

Gotta love some of those comments!!

Anonymous said...

Super color scheme, I like it! Keep up the good work. Thanks for sharing this wonderful site with us.