Thursday, October 04, 2007

Oh Man

Leeann's Cheerios ended up making their return to the real world on the living room floor this morning. I think maybe she coughed too hard because she's had a pretty deep cough lately. She's getting to hang out on the couch with 'the bowl' watching PBS. She doesn't seem to mind too much! So, it's a lazy day for us I suppose!


Steve Scott said...

Hey Robyn! Can you believe I am actually leaving a comment on your blog? I'm so proud of myself.

I wanted to share a recent story with you to let you know that I feel your pain when it comes to unexpected throw up. Micah has had a yucky cough for the past few days and while we were running errands the other day he coughed so hard in the car that he threw up all over himself and the car seat! Poor boy! I can't quite get the smell out of the seat either. Hope Leeann feels better soon!

your friend,

Anonymous said...

Awwww... poor thing!

Your "bowl" reminds me of a dishpan we used to have. It was an all-purpose thing, but we used it for a puke-pail when our niece was little and lived with us.

She'd moved back with one of her parents and was with us for the weekend on a road trip when she noticed that her snacks were in this dish pan (thoroughly cleansed, btw) and she began to scream. I told her that we had two of the same dish pans and that this one never held anything gross at all.

Thankfully she believed me, or that could have been a very long car ride indeed!