Wednesday, October 26, 2005

The results are in...

I got a call from Leeann's Doctor today saying that all of the lab results were perfectly fine. That's the good news. The bad news is... there's still a problem. He asked us to take all fruit out of her diet for two weeks, he suspects she's having a difficult time processing fructose. In the meantime she's supposed to be on a high fat, low sugar diet. Easier said than done though. He suggested lot's of milk and peanut butter until I told him that peanut butter makes her eczema worse and milk makes her wheezy and seems to be causing her already icky diapers to be REALLY icky. So, when you take milk, peanut butter and fruit out of a two-year old's diet, I'm not sure what to feed her! It'll just take more work on my part to be creative.

The good news is that because she's thriving well she probably just needs a break from whatever is causing the problem--it isn't likely a long term, or severe allergy. So, we wait and see. My little princess needs to go to bed now, so I ought to do my best to get her there...

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