Monday, March 19, 2007

My children, disobedient?

Everybody thinks their kids are perfect. I recognize this. I just know that in most instances, I happen to be right :0)

Well, yesterday I was about at my whits-end. Leeann had several disobedient spells last night, which is fairly rare for her. She seems to test the bounderies every-so-often, but is pretty compliant most of the time. Her "challenging side" seems to be more in that she's very emotional and easily hurt or upset. Yesterday however, was a day of testing for sure!

Titus on the other hand--he's giving me a run for my money. Leeann was almost too easy. You discipline, she responds. You encourage her, she repeats the positive behavior. Classic text-book. Not only that, but she's also snuggly which helps ease my frustration because my #1 love language is physical touch.

Titus--touch? No way! He wants to be down, left alone and able to explore. Not only that but he also wants to explore anything and everything that he can get his hands on. His response to any form of discipline? Let me see how many times I can do this again and get the same result! He reminds me of my brother just trying to push my buttons when I was a kid! Would you like to know how many times yesterday that he tried to put his socks in the VCR, pull the tape deck off of my boom box, grab the silverware from the dishwasher while I was trying to do dishes, or grab at the sharp tools I was using in a little remodling project? Way too many times for my sanity, that's for sure!

Oh, the joys of parenting!


Anonymous said...

The Titus Touch... I like that one.


Anonymous said...

Just keep telling yourself- I am teaching him parental discipline so he can learn something about the discipline of God!
I can totally relate-Todd has been hearing the No word a lot lately and is startng to say it back to me! Oh, it's hard learning patience!

Anonymous said...

Sounds just like Kajsa from about 8 months to 18 months. Unless she was asleep or actually paying attention to a Baby Einstein video (which rarely lasted more than a few minutes) or I was actively playing with her, she would be into everything. And of course, our house had all kinds of stuff all over that needed baby-proofed. We had baby gates all over the place and heavy furniture blocking other things not to touch. I could tell her 30 times in a row not to touch something, and like a machine she would try to touch it again. I could pick her up and set her down across the room and she would head right back over. The only thing to do was to distract her attention with something else. But pretty soon she'd be back into what she wasn't supposed to touch. I finally found that the best course of action was to let her play with the things she wasn't supposed to touch with close supervision until she got bored with them, and after that she didn't really seem intent on touching them again. But there was good portion of a year where while watching her I couldn't get anything else done. Good news is she finally grew out of it and developed an attention span for playing with some toys and watching some videos, and started listening and obeying some of the time.