Friday, February 17, 2006

Isn't it Awful?

So here's the deal. I didn't sleep much last night and I'm a little cranky this morning. Titus can only sleep if he's swaddled right? That's just the way it's been for almost 3 months now. Well, last night he decided he didn't want to be swaddled anymore. The problem? That meant no sleep either. He would wake up every 2 hours or so and I would feed him and reswaddle him because his little arms would have broken out of the top of his blankets. So finally, at the last of FOUR feedings last night I got smart (or so I thought). I took his arms out of his sleeves and put them down into his jammies. Then I swaddled both blankets around him. I thought: there's no way he's getting out of this one! WRONG... I woke up to him crying this morning with his little hands poking out the top of his jammies. Arggg! Anybody, anywhere have any idea how I can avoid a bazillion more sleepless nights due to this perdicument?

The worst part is that we made a deal last night that he would sleep clear til 5 because we're going to have a super late night tonight. So much for that tactic. We already have double booked plans for a wedding reception and a funeral at the same time... and part way between either we need to pick a highschool boy up from school because he's staying with us tonight. So really we can't do anything, I'm not sure which one we're going to try to make. And so resume, the days of our lives!


Anonymous said...

If you get an answer to your problem that works - write a book.. It will sell millions and millions of copies...

Anonymous said...

My best advice is to feed him well. When Rebekah was a baby, her pediatrician told me that babies start to sleep through the night when they are 11 pounds, regardless of age. I found it intriguing. Just like magic, Rebekah started to sleep through the night at 11 pounds. Sarah, too, started to sleep through the night at 11 pounds.

Keep in mind, this phase won't last forever. He'll get used to having his arms out and be content with it. Rest when you can, which is easier said than done with two kiddos.

God Bless!

Rebekah's Mommy

Robyn said...

Titus is now 12 far as I can tell. I think he dropped his early night feeding around 11 though? Today was much better as he slept until 8! Of course I didn't put him to bed until nearly 2... so I guess that helps? Thanks for the advice, it's always good to hear from other moms!

Anonymous said...

All I can add is that I don't know of any little children, big children or adults who sleep swaddled so I guess it was bound to happen. He must have decided to grow up the night he did his houdini. And I agree with keeping him well fed - it still works for Uncle Ken!! Aunt Barb