Thursday, July 30, 2009

Leeann Trusts Jesus

I crawled up onto Leeann's bed tonight to snuggle and chat with her since we've been running around crazy all week due to Vacation Bible School. I asked her what she's been learning about and she told me all about Peter denying Jesus and how after their nice meal together some mean men took Jesus and hung him on the cross where he died for our sins. So we spent a few minutes talking about what it means to sin, and why God doesn't like it when we sin.

We also talked a bit about death, what happens when we die, and what happened to Mee Maw when she died.

I asked her if she wanted to ask Jesus into her heart and ask him to forgive her of her sins. She said yes through her alligator tears (she was still very emotional from our talk about death). Rob was tucking Titus in under his covers in the bed beneath her so I leaned over and told him that Leeann wanted to ask Jesus into her heart.

He leaned over her bed and we all talked for a few more minutes about what it means to ask Jesus into her heart. We also talked a little more about death as she was asking us who would take care of her and Titus if we both died while they were still young. Finally she closed her eyes and folded her hands on her chest and prayed something to the effect of (with a little bit of help from me). "Jesus, please come live in my heart. Thank you for dying on the cross for my sins. Please forgive me for my sins. Amen."

Then she gave me a great big hug and I prayed for her, and snuggled her a few minutes more. I asked her if she wanted to tell anyone that she just asked Jesus into her heart and she said, "Mommy, can I call Aunt Shelly to tell her?" So, she called Aunt Shelly and Uncle Chuck and let them know that she'd just asked Jesus into her heart. She was so giggly and smiley! I was too!

It's a great feeling as a mommy, getting to see your precious child make that decision for herself. I look forward to watching her grow in God's grace and beauty in the years to come as her faith in Jesus Christ continues to grow!


Jennifer said...

How cool!! That made me cry. We all want to see that for our children. What a precious moment!!

Anonymous said...

There can't be a better event then this!!


Michelle said...

What a very exciting day!! The angels are rejoicing! :)

Stacey said...

Praise God!

Char said...

Oh, got teary reading this! What a wonderful story and I'm so glad that she made this decision!

alexanders said...

we are rejoicing with you!!