Thursday, August 06, 2009

A Weekend With Mom

The kiddos and I enjoyed several days at my mom's house this week. It was a nice, relaxing time... especially coming after VBS which happens to be my most busy, most crazy time of year. I didn't have to cook or clean for several days. My mom spoiled us with wonderful food, and I got to spend way too much time watching t.v.! It was beautiful! Besides, I only see my mom once or twice a year typically so it was good to get a nice chunk of time with her and my step-dad, Keith.

This is Leeann smelling the sunflowers at the nursery where my mom works. She took us on a little tour just before we headed home.
My daughter, my mom and me.

My kids with mom and Keith.

Titus stole his grampy's hat.

Leeann LOVED the swing in their yard.

But, she especially loved playing outside getting dirty all day. In this picture she is proudly displaying her 'sand castle' that was composed of various items stolen from other places in my mom's yard! She loved digging holes and making mud pies with the other kids.

Seriously, check out the dirt on this kiddo!

The kids also enjoyed swimming in the hot tub and playing on the slip n slide.

This is the only decent picture I can post of Titus as he spent most of the days running around in the back yard without any clothing! It was a semi-successful attempt at potty training. We told him he could pee on anything he wanted. He kept trying to pee on trees and yard statues to no avail. Finally though he decided that an outdoor garbage can would be a fun target. Hey, I was proud that he went anywhere. My mom gave him a hot wheel and told him that if he went anywhere other than his clothes or pull-ups that he'd earn a batman hot wheel next.
So, he went on the front porch, next to the garbage can. He didn't quite make it, and it wasn't just wet either. Reluctantly we gave him the car. He technically didn't soil his clothing!
I can't wait for this child to be potty trained. He's now less than four months away from being four years old. I'm so beyond ready to be done with pull-ups!

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