Here are somethings that I want to remember about Titus being 3:
* He still sleeps with his blanket every night. I'm not sure more than 5 nights of his life have been spent without that blue car blanket by his side. He also loves his purple bear named "Beary Bear".
* He smiles ALL THE TIME. Seriously, I'm pretty sure this kiddo is care-free. Fun is his only motivation in life!
* He's usually the life of the party. He doesn't know a stranger and the world is his toy box.
* He never stops talking. There's always a sound coming out of his mouth, whether he's asking a question, talking to himself, his cars, telling someone what to do or just making general boy noises (crashing things into each other, making gun or sword noises as he turns every household items into these things).
* He enunciates every word very clearly and emphatically.
* He likes people. This boy is an extrovert for sure. He wants to be where the people are, doing what the people are doing. Last night he put a pull-up on to go potty because he didn't want to miss any time playing with his cousins. He told me, "I had to go and I didn't want to go in my underwear so I put a pull-up on!" Oh, the logic of a 3 year-old.
* He loves playing cars, trains and lego's with his daddy especially. He's also into Star Wars right now.
* His favorite movie is currently "Tad and Lily go to school."
* Almost every morning when he hears my alarm go off, or he hears Rob get out of the shower he comes in for morning snuggle time. This is my favorite time of the day!
* He got glasses this year, and he loves to wear them because they help him see better.
* If I remember right from his last Dr. appointment he's 27 pounds and 37 inches. He wears 2t and 3t clothes.
* Leeann says, "I like when he snuggles me and I like when he stays in the lines when he colors. I like about him when he sits by me. I really like about him when he loves me and hugs me."
* Leeann is still his best friend. These two have honest, genuine fun together and rarely fight. I think they both like being around people so much that they don't want to fight so they won't get separated.
* He likes to help, though his attention span is super short. The kiddo is impulsive and just doesn't stay still! I consistently have to bring him back to a task time and time again to get him to complete it. He's not being defiant, he's just very easily distracted. I'm telling you, this kid is EVERYWHERE, ALL THE TIME!
* He still has great motor skills. He can run, climb, jump and fly off of things like the best of them.
* He knows all of his letters and their sounds, can count to 29 and knows most of his shapes without help. He can spell his name and loves to point out signs that have the same letters in them as "his letters". He can skip count by 5's to 100.
* He wants to type his own name backwards, so here it goes: sutit leeann (okay, so he wanted to spell Leann's name too).
* He loves to beat people. He likes to race out of the church parking lot to beat Suzy or daddy to McDonald's. He tries to get his shoes or jacket, or buckles on faster than his sister. Unless of course, she's going faster. Then, "It's not a race!"
* He likes to be read to and he enjoys flashcards for some strange reason.
* He loves staying at Aunt Pam and Uncle Steve's and Aunt Shelly and Uncle Church's houses. These are his favorite over-night destinations.
* He especially enjoys playing with his cousins Weston and Logan, my siblings Logan and Hope, and with Caleb, Desiree and Troy.
* He asks almost daily if we can go to the church. He thinks he owns the place!
Well, with that it's time to get Leeann off to school. I'll try to update this list as I think of new things throughout the day, so check back if you are interested in more Titus knowledge. Aw, I love this kid!
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