Monday, August 14, 2006

Life Without Pull-Ups Day 2.5

Leeann pooed (is that a word) in the bath this morning, which is the first time she's ever done that on me! Maybe it's her way of telling me what she thinks of potty-training?

She had a little accident this afternoon, but seemed to catch herself mid-stream. As I told her to run to the potty she realized that she also needed to poo. She made it mostly in the potty, but partly on the potty. Oh well, it's a step in the right direction right?

And so we continue doing laundry...


Shelly said...

Yes, pooed is a word.

Just think of all that money you're saving by not buying pull-ups!!

Anonymous said...

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-Elisha Rice

My name is Breanna... said...

Oh wow, do I remember those days, its like lets do our errands quick before you have lunch and drink a sippie cup again...cuz that might mean trouble in Target....good luck and here's to pullups,,, the coolest invention ever and also here's to diaper free budgets,or altleast a decrease in the diaper budget!