Thursday, June 10, 2010

Flying as I can!

I like to think of myself, not as a failure, but as a little late at getting things together. See, I decided to do the 31 day FlyLady beginner steps (as you all well-know) several weeks ago. I think I'm still on day 3 or something!

I have been following her on facebook and via email so I am implementing some of her ideas, but I haven't been precisely following the baby steps as I originally set out to do. First we had a holiday weekend, then a couple of house showings, then we randomly started fostering a 15 year-old foster girl. Oh, and VBS is a week and a half away (I almost panicked as I wrote that... is it seriously just a week and a half away?).

Anyway, she hasn't been on the forefront of my mind, but she has been there. I've actually been thinking a lot about the control journal. I have my notebook, paper and plastic sleeves. I've even started writing some things in there. I really hope to actually make good use of it because it sounds so logical, helpful and useful. We'll see I suppose!

I am one of those people that will think through a logical, fool-proof, fantastic system that I never get around to implementing. The idea works. The function works. I just have to use it.  Novel, eh?

I'm really hoping my control journal isn't that way. The best tools are only helpful if you use them. I think FlyLady told me that!

Maybe I need to stick my baby-steps in my control journal so I don't have to log on to the internet and remember to go to the site first thing in the morning... which I obviously haven't been doing! Though it would require me to actually open up my control journal. Uh, am I beyond help?


T & K said...

I'm not sure exactly what the 'Fly Lady' is, but from what I've gathered from your comments I could really use her help...however, I know that if I sit down to read her etc...I'll get overwhelmed with all I should be doing (baby steps or not!) and then have another thing that I should be implementing...maybe at the end of summer...: )

Rebecca.Alburn said...

The control journal has tripped me up too, maybe I'm just a to-do list person and need to make it work better for me.

I will admit I like to lie in bed thinking of all the chores I will do when I get up and as I imagine myself doing all of them I psych myself into believing it's done... or not that big of a deal... or that the bed still seems so cozy. :)

I'm finding myself doing such an auto-pilot mode with the things I have implemented. Nighttime I am addicted to putting dishes in the dishwasher and getting the coffee pot set up for the morning. And most nights setting out clothes.
Mornings I am always making the bed, starting a load of laundry (days when I'm home) and unloading the dishwasher.
I need to do the swish & swipe and a few other basics to have it down better.
YOU CAN DO THIS! You are not behind!

Beckys blog said...

I'm right there with you. I supposedly started right after you, then my grandma died, had a birthday, etc... I think after 3 weeks I am on like day 5. I think I need to print all the baby steps so I don't have to look them up online.

I am getting better about keeping the sink clean though and I put my shoes on every morning. :) It is so true, I get so much more done when I have shoes on!