Thursday, August 07, 2008


Ah, I love VBS. It might very well be my favorite, most exhausting time of year. The preparation for it is intense. The love and prayers you pour into it before a child even walks through the door is incredible, only to be intensified 180X once the kids actually arrive!

Like it or not, it starts Monday! We've spent the last couple of weeks at the church at odd hours painting, and drawing, cutting and tracing, building and... drinking a lot of Starbucks! Today will be no different. The beautiful thing is, Krista (she's almost 12) has been coming to the church to help out with the kiddos. So, my kiddos are having a blast getting to hang out at the church with her and with their friends. Krista and Byron both came over this morning when their mom went to work so they're running all sorts of energy out of Leeann and Titus! It's beautiful!

Therefore, I'm taking a few short minutes to blog and let you know that we're knee deep in preparing for Vacation Bible School... and that's pretty much been consuming our lives lately! So there you go, you've now been officially updated on the status of Robyn's Nest.

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