Friday, September 07, 2007

Reason #6 Not to Mop Your Kitchen Floor

I was mopping my kitchen floor like a good wife and the kiddos were obediently staying off the slippery surface, playing nicely with each other...

...until, like a classic movie clip Curious George (i.e. Titus) came running across the kitchen floor slipping on a banana peel (i.e. a freshly mopped floor) and fell backward just as I was screaming, "No, Titus, doooooon't!". It was hard not to laugh once I realized he was fine. I bet he won't come into the kitchen when I'm mopping anytime soon. Then again, I'm not likely to mop again anytime soon and his memory seems to rival Dory off Finding Nemo.

In other such Titus Monkey news, I found him on my freshly dusted kitchen table today... undoubtedly helping?

He also learned how to undo the buckle in the Costco shopping cart and thoroughly enjoys standing up in it.

He climbed to the top of Eroica's play set, up a straight up wooden ladder the other day, and he was appearing to attempt to decend down a climbing wall... until I loudy yelled at him in a panic!

Oh, and he was caught trying to climb up Rob's bookshelves at work today in attempts to get some toys. Good thing they're bolted to the wall eh?

Oh, and I caught him climbing up the baby gate too... uh-oh! Not the baby gate!

Also, he came proudly running into the living room today displaying Leeann's disposable camera's that had been tucked away on the kitchen counter. He can reach the counter, climb effortlessly on furniture, and he fears nothing. Anyone want to contribute in advance to his first E.R. bill... it's gotta be coming soon!

And just in case your wondering, I don't actually have 5 other reasons not to mop the kitchen floor, though I'm sure I could come up with some!

1 comment:

Suzy said...

Welcome to the world of having at toddler BOY! I don't know how I've made it so long without a trip to the ER.