Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Okay, I admit it... I slept all day!


Wondering why I didn't blog yesterday? I was sleeping. Yep, pretty much all day. Rob took care of morning diapers and feeding Leeann and Titus and then put on a movie and brought Titus back into our bedroom. I slept in until 10:00. Then I got up and ate breakfast myself and mossied around for a little while until my friend Eroica came over. She played with Leeann and Titus and let me go back to bed... what a blessing! I woke up at 2:30, ate some lunch, mossied around a little more then layed down with Leeann for her nap time. Daddy had a late appointment last night, so we didn't exactly wake up until 7:00. So, between 5:00 yesterday morning and 7:00 last night I was awake a total of maybe 3 hours! Pathetic huh?


It's part of what they call "Baby Blues." Statistically, if you have had kids, you (if you are a woman) or your wife (if you are a man) has experienced this. As many as 9 out of 10 ladies experience this in the days following childbirth. For me it's a general feeling of lethargy, laziness, helplessness, weariness, frustration, loneliness, cooped-uppedness (I know, that's not a word). I've been accustomed to showering first thing in the morning, now if I remember to brush my teeth it's a good day. My sole goal throughout the day is to get the kids out of their jammies by the time daddy gets home. Housework? Forget about it. A friend of mine, Sara Jane came and cleaned some on Friday and another friend of mine Jennifer, did some additional damage control (including floors!) on Monday. It sure feels good to have my house clean... it's so hard that I can't do it myself. I don't want to do much of anything because my stomach still hurts. To top it all off, I just plain didn't feel good yesterday.


Today is a new day however. Leeann came into my room about 8:00 and climbed up on my bed. She looked at me and said "No night-night Mommy!" How sweet is that? It made me feel good to know that she wanted me to get up and play with her. So, after a little tickle-fest, we got down and got some breakfast and now she's playing with her babies on the floor next to a sleeping Titus while I'm updating you (whoever you are!).


Rob promised to get me out of the house today. I don't think I've been anywhere since Saturday. If you know me, I'm the kind of person who likes to be busy--always doing something. If I'm not busy doing something specific I at least want to be around people. So being home all day has been hard. It's not an option for me to go anywhere because our car is still being worked on. Hopefully we'll get it back today. I have some stuff I want to get at Target, so I'm really looking forward to getting out of the house this evening, if only for a little while.


Tomorrow is Rob and my four year anniversary. It's hard to believe time has flown by so fast. He and I are going to go out to dinner tomorrow--just the two of us. Noah and Cherish are going to watch the kids for us. It'll be my first time leaving Titus alone (except for me sleeping in the next room!). I think it'll be a little hard, but I think I'll be okay. I really look forward to getting to spend some special time with Rob.

Well, I think that's all I have to say for now. Life has been pretty uneventful around here these days. The kids are doing well, both seem to be growing daily! I love being a mom, but I sure am anxious to get out of this funk that I'm in. I'm sure Rob's anxious for that too!

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