This evening Leeann insisted "Mommy, nigh-nigh" so I crawled into her bed like a "Big girl" and she covered me up with her covers and read me a story. It was quite sweet!
Mommy and Daddy got to go out to Applebees for dinner tonight using a Pastor's Appreciation Gift certificate and a family in our church who offered us babysitting for a night out--We even splurged on a maple blondie for dessert. Um, yummy! We are grateful for God's provision and for the people that He puts in our lives!
I did some Christmas shopping today and spent some time with a good friend just hanging out doing what girls do. It's nice to have someone to share things like Christmas shopping with!
Tomorrow is my version, I go in at 11:00 and I'll post an update as soon as we get back. For now, I'm going to get off here! And you should too--don't you have anything better to do than read my boring blog?!?!? *smile*
Ok, so I have to tell you I'm feeling mighty good and pretty smug about having the top three names under my belt, in this name the baby game!! I'll even let you know that I have the top three middle names as well!! I've got to admit, I'm just pretty lazy about this guessing stuff and decided to call their bluff with $, which I'm happy to report, they were true to their word. I will also let you know that the information can not be pried nor tortured out of me, however, I will let you guess who this is, if you give a matching donation to the Baby Buhl college fun!!! Thanks R & R, I'll keep quiet and look forward to finding out which of the name combinations that I've come up with will be the right one!!
Can't be pried or tortured out of you uh... Hard to torture an unknown person!!
Maybe I can guess and then torure the person I guess.. If anyone gets a sharp pain in the lower back let me know, if not I'll just push the pin in the doll a little further.
My guess still stands as Timothy with a new middle name guess... Matthew.
Not telling and my back doesn't hurt!
So much for cheap voo doo dolls from K-Mart..
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