I know my blog doesn't have quite the following of Ree from The Pioneer Woman, or Jen from Cake Wrecks, or Dawn from Because I Said So... but what my blog does have is you, my very own faithful readers.
Some of you I know, some of you I don't, but all of you have one thing in common. For whatever reason (and sometimes I'm still baffled by it) you read my blog.
And since you read my blog you know that our family has been impacted in a HUGE way by Dave Ramsey. We've attended Financial Peace University (and I highly recommend that you do too), but he also has a great best selling book called, "The Total Money Makeover" which provides you with much of the same great information and the inspiring stories you would hear going through FPU.
And, I have a copy to give away. I hope that all of you are in some way or another inspired by our story. The fact that we paid off $25,000 in debt in 14 months still blows me away. God faithfully provided for us in all sorts of bizarre ways. Through this He has taught us so much and drastically changed the way we think about money. It wasn't magic and we didn't win the lottery or anything. We just learned some great principles, we got on a clear financial plan, we got motivated and we determined to tackle our debt with a vengeance.
(Side note: I got distracted half-way through this post with a bowl of ice cream from my husband. As I was eating it I hopped on facebook. The Pioneer Woman posted about a mixer give away. So, I decided to enter. I now have a 1 in 9,509 (and counting) chance of winning a cool yellow mixer. Your chances of winning this book are MUCH, MUCH HIGHER!)
Anyway, I'd like to give this book to one of my readers. And whether or not you win this book, I hope you're inspired to take control of your finances.
So, here's how you win. Leave a comment and tell me why you want this book. It's that simple.
Rob and I will consider the entries and announce the winner on Friday evening at 8:00 p.m. Okay, Rob and I were just trying to figure out what the rules would be for giving away this book. We'd kind of like to do it randomly so everyone has an equal chance of winning. However, we'd also like to give one away to someone because they have a great reason for wanting the book.
So, here's the deal. We're going to do both. We'll give one away at random and one Blog Owners Choice Award. Because I'm the blog owner and that's what I want to do.
Please, leave a comment (I don't beg for comments often, but this time I am. It's for your own good!) Even if you have your finances totally under control you might have someone in mind you want to give this to... you can win it and give this book to them.
I'm totally excited to have my first give-away. For a brief moment in time I feel like a famous blogger. Unless I only get 3 comments, then I'll cry. I'm not expecting 9,500 comments or anything (let's be real, I'm not giving away a Kitchen-Aid Mixer here), but somewhere in the double-digits would be cool! So go on, comment... you know you want to!