Friday, April 28, 2006
Why do people like blogs?
Except for that my dear sweet Titus has been waking up several times in the middle of the night. He had a while that he was sleeping clear until 7. Then it moved to 4 and the last couple of nights he's also woken up at 2. It's funny but I feel cheated when he wakes up so early! I love him anyway and he always promises to greet me with a smile which ends up making the middle of the night feedings all worth it!
Kind of.
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Sunday, April 23, 2006
I Confess
The Most RIDICULOUS Movie Ever!!!
Friday, April 21, 2006
So, Church is Cancelled
A Plague Update
Apparently several members of my family from St. Helens are quite sick also, who we were exposed to on Easter Sunday. We generously brought the virus to the church nursery on Wednesday where we exposed any number of people to this virus too. At the very least, all of the kids who were in the nursery that day have been sick. The two preschool teachers and the Pastor are also sick, and who knows who else! EEEKKKKK!!! So our kids are on a 72 hour quarentine. What that means for Sunday morning, I'm not sure. Sunday is supposed to be a big day for both of us with a big all church meeting, but it looks like at the very least I'll be home loving on my sweet little sick kids!
Robots or Blues Clues?
The Plague
Apparently my kids aren't the only ones that are sick. We had a VBS meeting at my house this morning and one of the moms had to leave to pick up her daughter from preschool because both of the teachers were sick (this is the preschool at the church, the one I used to work at). Pastor Denny's sick too, as well as all of the kids who were in the church nursery on Wednesday for women's Bible Study (mine included). Whatever this is it seems to be spreading like wild-fire! Rob is dilligently trying to get all of his studying done today so he can either pass his lesson on if he gets sick, or so he can preach for Denny if he's not feeling well.
I had several plans today, a babysitting commitment, a lunch date with some ladies and a photo-shoot of some bullet gels (good thing they are inanimate objects, they'll be fine if I don't get to them until later).
But instead, I stay home and write to you about the woes of my day. In anticipation of my own illness I really should make a pretty strong effort to get some more housework done. I've neglected most of my home duties this week because I haven't felt tip-top, but at least I'm not throwing up... yet. I should try really hard to get some things done before I do!
Thursday, April 20, 2006
We found a dining room table
Scary Scary
I woke up this morning with my throat feeling like its on fire. I still don't feel well enough to function normally, but I don't feel so bad as to stop all of my daily activities either. Titus's constant fussiness has left with a nearly constant headache for the last 3 days which isn't helping matters. Eroica graciously offered to watch the kids for a little while today while Rob and I go out to lunch and do some furniture shopping for a new dining room table. Our current table and chairs scratch the floor and they aren't easily fixed by felt as most chairs are. And the chairs are all cloth which spells trouble with two little ones.
Gotta get the kiddies ready for their trip to Ro's, and mommy's gotta get ready for her date!
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
I think Titus is sick
Rob will home from work any time now so I should go do my 10-minute till daddy comes home routine. You know, where you quickly make the beds and pick up the obvious junk of the floors, neatly stack the dishes (you only have 1o minutes), throw the kids' toys back into their rooms, throw a load of laundry in to make it look like you've spent the day cleaning and wipe the kids faces off so it doesn't appear as if you've been neglecting them all day! Come on, don't tell me you've never done the same thing!
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
No Longer Safe... and Big Boy Crying
Houston: We have a problem.
Titus just won't sleep unless he's swaddled. Period. He's too strong to effectively swaddle anymore though. Any suggestions? Do you know anyone who makes baby straight-jackets?!?!?
When he breaks free from his swaddle he cries and cries and cries. These are no longer cute little baby whimpers, these are kid throwing a fit in the candy isle kind of cries. I heard so many of these cries yesterday I thought I was going insane! He was inconsolable most of the day. I wonder if he's getting sick because I'm not feeling well myself. Hmmm. Or he's teething. Or he's just getting his own little attitude. Maybe he's not getting enough sleep because he's breaking free from his swaddle? All I know is that I hope today is better because if today is anything like yesterday I won't get anything done and I'll fall asleep exhausted on my pillow!
BUT... I love my kids and I'm glad to be their mommy. It's the greatest most rewarding job in the whole wide world and I think my kids are the greatest. They have the sweetest little personalities and the cutest smiles. Hugs, kisses and smiles make all the fussing worth it!
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
To Grandmother's House We Go (and Grandpa's Too)
The Loss of Little One...
Just for a little family connection note this is Toby's (Baby Joel's dad) brother and his wife.
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Cranky Pants and TV Junkie
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Since I Haven't Posted Pictures in a While
Daddy and Leeann picked me flowers from the yard!
Leeann's attempts at swaddling Titus. It didn't quite work as well as when mommy does it!
During my trip through memory lane Leeann and I both tried on my old cheerleading uniform. It looks far better on her, so I decided to blog her picture. It's less traumatizing that way!
I thought I turned this sideways... oops!
This is what happens when Leeann's fed and tired. We had company over for dinner so she ate on the floor in the kitchen and apparently she was done, because she fell asleep. In case you are wondering, this happens fairly often. Rob pulled a chip out of her mouth the other day while she was in her chair. She fell asleep in the middle of putting a chip into her mouth! Rob woke her up and made her swallow what was in her mouth but then she went back to sleep. I missed it because I was sleeping too. Apparantly it had been a long day for both of us!

This was about a month ago, I was showing off his cute baby push-ups!
So here's the deal... my kid is short!
Titus had his 4 month Dr. appointment today and everything is healthy and he seems happy. I take that back, he wasn't very happy when they gave him 3 different shots... but other than that things are good!
Height 23 1/4 inches
Weight 12 lbs. 11 oz
Head 16.5 inches
They are supposed to double their birthweight by 4 months, but someone forgot to tell Titus that! His doctor assures me that it isn't anything to worry about as statistics don't take into account short genes. He may not be big, but he sure is cute!